RDA Sunshine Coast has welcomed the appointment of Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson and Council CEO John Knaggs to its committee.
“We look forward to their valuable contributions as local government representatives in helping to guide the region’s priorities,” said RDA SC Chair Prof Max Standage.
“Our aim is to provide strategic and targeted responses to local issues and build partnerships between governments, regional development organisations, the private sector and other regional stakeholders.”
Mayor Mark Jamieson said he and Council CEO John Knaggs were delighted to take up the roles as members of the RDA Sunshine Coast committee.
“We welcome the opportunity for our two organisations to work closely together to advance a number of matters that are integral to the future development, growth and liveability of the Sunshine Coast.
“It is through productive and well-resourced partnerships that regional development outcomes can be successfully achieved,” said Mr Jamieson.
“Partnerships with the Commonwealth and State governments will be crucial as we move forward on council’s economic, community and infrastructure priorities for the region, and we hope that our involvement in RDA Sunshine Coast will help to further those important relationships.”
RDA committees are non-profit community-based incorporated associations providing a strategic framework for economic growth and community development in their region. The RDA Sunshine Coast committee is made up of 10 volunteer members including a Chair and Deputy Chair. Each RDA committee is expected to have at least two members with local government experience.
“Our committee works with local communities to identify issues, articulate priorities and develop solutions to secure sustainable long-term jobs, investment, regional prosperity, and address environmental and social inclusion issues,” said Prof Standage.
RDA Sunshine Coast has collaborated with community leaders, various government departments and community groups over the past 12 months to develop its four priority focus areas, outlined in its 2012-31 Regional Roadmap:
- Nurture high potential economic development sectors
- Advocate for the delivery of infrastructure
- Advancing business and society through technology
- Workforce employment planning
“A partnership approach is critical to success and we recognise the importance of key stakeholders from across the Sunshine Coast working alongside each other to achieve a common vision for the Sunshine Coast,” said Prof Standage.