The Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect – How YOU can do business with SCUH
As a local business owner have you thought about the opportunities that may exist for your business with the new hospital? Many local small to medium businesses have already begun working with the hospital via the facilities manager Spotless. Spotless has identified opportunities outside of the provision of health services they believe can be filled by the local businesses already operating here on the Sunshine Coast.
Come along to this free event to connect with current opportunities – and find out what exiting new opportunities may await you:
- Spotless will explain what the ongoing opportunities are, how to connect with them – and what opportunities may exist with Spotless Group beyond the hospital.
- You will also hear from WishlistConnect about how to connect with the new pool of health staff who are new to the Coast who are keen to hear from local businesses.
- Local business Alltech Industrial Abseilers will talk about what winning a contract with Spotless has meant for their business in terms of revenue growth and business expansion opportunities.
- You will also have an opportunity to have your questions answered by Spotless, Wishlist, and Alltech Industrial Abseilers in the Q&A session, and during post-event networking.
This information evening has been organised by Regional Development Australia Sunshine Coast, Sunshine Coast Chamber Alliance, Spotless, and Wishlist.
Register now to attend this free event and and find out how you can do business with SCUH!
There are a number of ways you can access potential customers in the hospital precinct. Read the case studies to find out how Sunshine Toyota, Alltech Industrial Abseilers and Good Bean did just that!
Watch this one minute video to see how local Sunshine Coast business Alltech Industrial Abseilers is doing business with SCUH.
#rippleeffectsc #therippleeffect
Project Overview
The Ripple Effect project aims to ensure micro–small–medium enterprises (SME’s) on the Sunshine Coast are aware of opportunities generated by ‘game changer’ projects across the Sunshine Coast region – and to educate local Sunshine Coast businesses that they do not need to be in a directly-related industry to benefit from these opportunities.
It is recognised that the “ripple effect” of significant infrastructure investments is often not fully exploited and micro-small-medium business owners inevitably miss out on such opportunities.
The primary driver of this project stems from “the recognition that there are small business opportunities linked to the Sunshine Coast University Hospital and Health Precinct that may not be necessarily identified or recognised by potential and existing small business operators and other stakeholders”.
Apart from the increase in the more obvious “hospital-linked” services (chemists, ancillary services etc), there will also be an increase for small businesses in a wide range of areas including – but not limited to: florists, car dealerships, health and fitness, and specialised tourism including adventure tourism.
Some opportunities will link with economic and regional development strategies including the high value industries, start-up and high growth-knowledge intensive firms, tourism, sport and leisure. We also anticipate an increase in child-care, early childhood education, day-care centres as well as banking and finance services.
Project Team
Sunshine Coast Chamber Alliance and RDA Sunshine Coast are leading the charge to enlighten business about the ripple effect stemming from the Sunshine Coast Health Precinct. The aim is to support and facilitate small business growth generated through the Ripple Effect caused by the Health Hub and Health Campus – and other ‘game changer’ projects across the region. Working through a staged process the Collaborative will assist in identifying and supporting new and emerging “healthy” business potential across the Sunshine Coast.
More Information
If you would like to be involved, or for more information please contact Regional Development Australia Sunshine Coast.
The Ripple Effect – How YOU can do business with SCUH As a local business owner have you thought about the opportunities that may exist for your business with the new hospital? Many local small to medium businesses have already begun working with the hospital via the facilities manager Spotless. Spotless has identified opportunities outside of […]