Innovative small to medium-sized businesses are encouraged to get their thinking caps on in preparation for the next round of the What’s your big idea Queensland? grants scheme.
The program provides up to $50,000 in funding to help businesses commercialise their ideas, deliver new products and services or increase competitiveness.
The grants could be used to develop new products, processes or services which would allow Sunshine Coast businesses to compete in the global economy.
The grant scheme provides an opportunity to strengthen business growth, generate innovative environmental solutions and enhance community development.
Palmwoods-based Sunfresh Marketing Co-op Limited was one of 22 winners in the first round of the grant scheme in 2010-2011.
Sunfresh had received a request from overseas markets to supply their unique finger lime product in a dried format. The result was a product than could be stored at room temperature for years without spoilage, or packed in limited storage spaces and reconstituted with water later.
Guidelines and application forms for the What’s your big idea Queensland? grants scheme will be available from 8 August until 12 September at