Roadmap identifies opportunities and challenges for Sunshine Coast

Regional Development Australia Sunshine Coast has launched its Final Draft version of the 2013-16 Regional Roadmap outlining priorities and project opportunities to address the significant challenges and opportunities facing the region.

The Roadmap has identified economic development, investment and infrastructure, digital innovation, human capital, and sustainable communities as the five regional priorities for the Sunshine Coast.

These priorities are underpinned by three principles important to government, business and community leaders alike: regional leadership; good governance and effective administration.

“While the region has enviable strengths such as lifestyle advantages, a strong tourism base and emerging health and education sectors, challenges include a growing population, inadequate and aging infrastructure, high youth unemployment, and the need to build a cohesive and united approach to articulating regional aspirations,” RDA Sunshine Coast Chair Prof Max Standage said.

“This is our fourth Roadmap, which builds on previous Roadmaps through extensive community consultation to articulate an overall strategic direction for the Sunshine Coast.

“We always treat these important region-wide activities as a work-in-progress to capture ongoing contributions from the community, reflecting the principle of being responsive and flexible towards new and emerging opportunities,” Prof Standage said.

“Every organisation and community leader can help to identify the region’s economic goals alongside deep and long-lasting solutions for environmental sustainability, as well as build social inclusion strategies that will create equity and diversity.”

Key projects with economic and investment opportunities for the region identified in the Roadmap include the Sunshine Coast University Hospital precinct, the agribusiness sector, upgrades to the Bruce Highway and the Sunshine Coast Airport, digital capacity within the region including Digital Work Hubs, regional workforce planning and cleantech futures.

The Roadmap includes a State of the Region section which provides a numerical analysis of the people, their lifestyles, employment, businesses, the threats and opportunities within the Sunshine Coast region. It examines human capital, economic, environmental, social, and population factors, accessing markets and the region’s comparative advantages.

“By celebrating our advantages and working to overcome our challenges, we have an enormous opportunity to prosper as a vibrant, modern community with a sustainable and enviable lifestyle,” Prof Standage said.

Screen shot of Roadmap 2013_16

The 2013-16 Regional Roadmap and State of the Region report are available on the Regional Development Australia Sunshine Coast web pages here.

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