RDA Sunshine Coast will host an information session on 16 November to outline the application process for the Regional Development Australia Fund (RDAF) grant program.
The session will give potential applicants a better understanding of how to best prepare their Expression of Interest (EOI) for Rounds Three and Four of the grant process. EOI applications are due by close of business on December 6 2012.
RDASC Chair Prof Max Standage said community not-for-profit groups were invited to submit EOIs for projects that had broad community support and clearly articulated linkages to the recently completed Sunshine Coast Regional Roadmap 2012-31.
Round Three will provide grants of between $50,000 and $500,000 for projects located in towns with a population of 30,000 or less.
Round Four will provide grants of between $500,000 and $15 million for priority regional infrastructure projects that also leverage funding from state and local governments and the private sector.
Prof Standage said the Regional Development Australia (RDA) Sunshine Coast committee would review EOIs from all potential applicants and identify five priority projects for Round Three and three priority projects for Round Four.
The information session will also be live streamed and questions can be posted on Facebook and/or Twitter.
To view the webcast visit www.rdasunshinecoast.org.au/rda-fund/ and follow the links or go to www.facebook.com/rdasc or send questions to @RDASC #RDASC.
The RDAF is worth almost $1 billion over five years and is designed to boost economic and community development as part of the Federal Government’s commitment to regional Australia.
For further details of rounds three and four, guidelines and EOI forms, visit www.rdasunshinecoast.org.au/rda-fund/ or www.regional.gov.au/regional/programs/rdaf.aspx.
Event: RDA Fund information session
Date: Friday, 16 November 2012
Time: 3pm – 4pm
Venue: Main Presentation Theatre (behind Discovery Centre), Sunshine Coast TAFE, Mooloolaba campus, Lady Musgrave Drive, Mountain Creek
Registration: www.rdasunshinecoast.org.au/rda-fund/
Please CLICK HERE to download event flyer