About 50 people representing the Not for Profit sector, schools, universities, local government and private enterprise attended last month’s information sessions to hear about the National Stronger Regions Fund (NSFR) which provides grants for priority infrastructure projects in regional communities.
The Fund provides local community projects with between $20,000 and $10 million, covering up to 50 per cent of project costs
Hosted by Regional Development Australia (RDA) Sunshine Coast, the sessions gave potential applicants an overview of the application process and selection criteria.
RDA Sunshine Coast Chair Tony Riddle said the Fund also provided opportunities for multiple collaborators to develop projects with significant impact across the region.
“We have many organisations across the Sunshine Coast who may not be able to access larger funding opportunities on their own for bigger projects. However, by looking at additional partners to help grow their ideas and achieve multiple outcomes, their chances for a successful grant application increase,” Mr Riddle said.
“Our aim with the NSFR information sessions was to encourage discussion and collaboration, help broker relationships and develop a collaborative community.”
Participants at the sessions discussed a wide range of project ideas including: a major health precinct, sporting facilities, transport, digital work hub, community and care facilities, spinal cord rehabilitation and recovery centres, and heritage centres.
“Local and State Government representatives also attended the briefings to highlight other grant and collaboration opportunities – demonstrating all three levels of Government working together to help the Sunshine Coast community,” Mr Riddle said.
Round 2 applications for the NSFR close on 31 July 2015.