The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) has developed an online interactive map to unlock insights into regional performance.
[In]Sight: Australia’s Regional Competitiveness Index snapshots the competitiveness of Australia’s Local Government Areas (LGAs) and Regional Development Australia (RDA) regions by highlighting data and rankings for 10 themes and 68 indicators. This information captures the competitive position of each region and reveals what elements can be improved so that each region can reach its full potential.For more information about [In]Sight and how you can make the most of the interactive tool, view the [In]Sight Fact Sheet.
If you’d like more details on how to use [In]Sight, see the User Guide.
Australia’s greatest competitive challenges
- Economic fundamentals
- Labour market efficiency
- Business sophistication
- Human capital
- Infrastructure and essential services
- Institutional foundations
- Innovation
- Technological readiness
- Demography
- Natural resources
For more information visit the Regional Australia Institute website.