A New Chapter
It is with a great deal of excitement that I take on the role of Director Regional Development (DRD) with RDA Sunshine Coast. In many ways it is a fresh beginning with a new Charter from the Federal Government, a new Chair with Carol Cashman’s recent appointment and a new Committee that will soon be finalised. One of the first tasks will be to develop a three-year strategic plan for the organisation – we will be reaching out to our key partners and stakeholders for input over the next few weeks. We will also make sure we build on the great work that has already been done by RDA Sunshine Coast. I would also like to thank my predecessor, Darrell Edwards, for all his hard work and for a smooth handover – as well as for his ongoing passion for the Sunshine Coast.
Small Business Week
RDA Sunshine Coast was delighted to be a partner of the Queensland Small Business Week Breakfast that was organised by the Sunshine Coast Chamber Alliance. It was great to see over 300 people in attendance, and to hear inspirational stories from new businesses on the Coast as well as some small businesses that are rapidly becoming medium sized businesses.
The Sunshine Coast Business Awards 2018 were also launched at the breakfast and I would strongly encourage all interested businesses to take part.
Phil Harman
Director Regional Development
Regional Development Australia (RDA) Sunshine Coast
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