How would you improve your town? What does it need? What works? What needs work?
Local residents and businesses are encouraged to stand up and have their say about the future of their region through an online campaign, Make My Sunshine Coast Work.
It is a nation-wide campaign aimed at mobilising an online community in support of solutions which will make regions and cities work.
Make My Sunshine Coast Work asks the community for ideas to help shape the future, with a particular focus on connecting the region to other cities, connecting major population hubs, and major projects to employment opportunities.
A key element for the Coast is the delivery of major projects such as Horton Park (Maroochydore Principal Activity Centre), the Sunshine Coast University Hospital and Sunshine Coast Airport expansion which will provide the jobs, shops, leisure activities and homes for local residents.
With the Sunshine Coast’s population predicted to almost double by 2031 residents need to start thinking about the best way to deal with this growth.
A key part of the campaign strategy is the engagement of Cities Champions – local governments, industry and community groups – who are interested in being part of the debate about the future of the Sunshine Coast.
The campaign will focus on the five key areas of housing, jobs, infrastructure, lifestyle and sustainability.
The Make My City Work campaign is an initiative of the Property Council of Australia and involves a range of government, business, professional and community groups.
Visit for more information and to sign up for action.