Calling all creatives! Noosa Council’s Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) next grants round 12 opens on August 12 until September 19.
Council has just announced eight local arts projects have shared in more than $20,000 worth of funding in the latest round of the RADF.
Recipients include: Beneath the Blue – a creative and educational film project to teach young people about Noosa’s turtles – has won a $5,000 grant; a $3,000 grant to help develop the Story of Noosa National Park; Pam Walpole and Yanni Van Ziyl’s educational marine life art installation A Plague of Polypods and more.
The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Noosa Shire Council to support the development of local arts and culture.
For more information, visit or phone Noosa Council’s Community Development Officer – Arts and Culture on 5329 6558.