More than 30 cluster practitioners from food regions around the country met in Moreton Bay in September to swap stories, share best practice about their cluster development journeys, as well as a visit to Strawberry Fields Farm on the Sunshine Coast.
This region supplies 85 percent of Queensland’s strawberries and 50 percent of the Australian market. Participants heard about the innovative and collaborative projects using strawberry seconds and waste products currently under development through the early efforts of a regional strawberry cluster.
The Food and Agribusiness Cluster MeetUp, an Australian-first, was organised by Regional Development Australia (RDA) Brisbane and RDA Moreton Bay in partnership with TCI Oceania, the global network for professional cluster practitioners. The event was made possible with sponsorship from Food Innovation Australia Ltd (FIAL) and support from the Moreton Bay and Sunshine Coast Councils, and RDA Sunshine Coast.
See the video below: Foodie cluster muster at Strawberry Fields (Sunshine Coast Daily)
- Austrade’s work in food and agribusiness
- Interview with Rodin Genoff (video)
- Interview with Ifor Ffowcs-Williams (video)
- Food Cluster MeetUp summary
- Food Cluster MeetUp slides