Density and Diversity Done Well – Competition Launch

UDIA Queensland partners with Queensland Government for competition

We know from the insights gathered through our Research Foundation, presented by Construction Skills Queensland, that people want greater housing choice. We approached the Queensland Government about our findings and how we could  work together to encourage innovation within the sector.

Density and Diversity Done Well, an Open Ideas Competition, is our combined response to generating innovative ideas for delivering the communities that people want to live in.
This is an opportunity for you, our members, to showcase your ideas. 

The design task is to propose new housing options for the ‘missing middle’ between  the dwelling on a single lot and the high-rise apartment block.
This six week design challenge is open to all built environment professionals and students.

Enter for your chance to share in the $50,000 prize pool and showcase  your ideas for tackling the missing middle.

Visit for more information.

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