The Chair Regional Development Australia Sunshine Coast (RDASC) today announced the appointment of Mr Russell Mason as the inaugural Chief Executive Officer of the new regional development organisation.
The Chair said “Mr Mason brings a range of very important skills to the RDASC position including the drive to get things done. He is passionate about the Sunshine Coast and has a great attitude towards the regional development role that the RDASC will play over the coming years.”
In accepting the position, Mr Mason said, “It is a great privilege to have been chosen as the Chief Executive Officer of the RDASC and I am looking forward to working closely with the community leaders that form the RDASC Committee. There are many challenges ahead for the Sunshine Coast and I believe that the RDASC Committee is well positioned to tackle those challenges in consultation with the community”.
Mr Mason’s first task will be to develop a ‘regional roadmap’ to prioritise future strategies and activities. “The regional roadmap is a plan to support investment attraction and encourage business growth in the community. In developing the regional roadmap, we will work closely with the community, relevant industry sectors and the three levels of government.
“We will also keep the community involved and informed about regional issues and priorities for action. We will be looking for opportunities for the region to take advantage of Australian, Queensland and local government programs and services.”
The Chair stated, “RDASC is a group of men and women who are prepared to have a view about the necessity for coordinated action around regional development that is in step with the broad social consensus. We will work hard to achieve the potential of the region’s prosperity.
“My intention is that our work will spark renewal in the creation of a regional identity. I am talking about a renewed sense of regional place and purpose based on a deep appreciation of regional strengths and challenges, opportunities and constraints. This will be a natural evolution arising from a position of accord and consensus that we will seek to develop over time.
“Mr Mason’s enthusiasm and support will assist the RDASC committee to achieve our objectives in this regard.”
The Chair said that extensive advertising was undertaken across Australia for all of the RDA Executive Officer positions. “More than 30 applications were received for the Sunshine Coast position and selection was undertaken by a committee which included the RDASC Chair and Deputy Chair and an independent specialist Human Resource Management consultant.
“Six of the most outstanding applicants were interviewed before the selection committee settled on our preferred choice of Mr Mason”, said the Chairl. “I was very impressed with the range of highly skilled applicants. There are many very good people available for recruitment and I wish them well in future job opportunities.”