Carol served on the Brisbane City Council for 16 years where her portfolio was planning and development. She was responsible for introducing Neighbourhood Planning that was a successful and award winning citywide communication and planning project that engaged residents in how and where to plan for the growth of the city into the future. Earlier, she was a director of a company that helped local technology companies to grow and market their businesses and products within Australia and to markets in Asia and Europe. Carol has a reputation for getting things done and is strongly committed to consultation and working together to achieve outcomes. She serves on a number of boards and is a qualified community engagement specialist and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Q&A with Carol
What do you see as the biggest opportunities on the Sunshine Coast in the next two years?
We are in a unique position to take advantage of our expected growth by building the infrastructure needed for our future prosperity and to position the coast as the location for digital/knowledge businesses. We have the opportunity to proactively shape our region.
What made you want to join the RDA committee?
I enjoy people and challenges. Working together with positive and talented people to get outcomes for the Sunshine Coast motivates me and allows me to use the skills I have obtained over the years.
If you could change one thing about the Sunshine Coast what would it be?
Talented people are attracted to our region for lifestyle reasons. We need to ensure that our growth is managed well to ensure we capitalise on our attractive lifestyle and the talent it attracts.
What is the best advice you have ever been given?
Always communicate, communicate, communicate. And don’t ask anyone to do what you would not be prepared to do yourself.
What’s the most interesting thing about you that we wouldn’t learn from your résumé alone?
I come from the bush but love nothing better than being out on the ocean or a river on a boat.
Favourite place on the Coast to spend your weekend?
Going through the Noosa Everglades, and visiting our beautifully natural hinterland towns.
Regional Development Australia (RDA) Sunshine Coast is part of a national network of 55 committees made up of local leaders who work with all levels of government, business and community groups to support the development of their regions.
Find out more about the RDA Sunshine Coast Committee here.